Reliable Maple Quality Test

Are you ready to ensure the safety of your cannabis product? Contact Siratech to start your cannabis testing today!

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Your Maple Could Be Fraudulent!
Maple is a natural, wholesome product created from maple tree sap. The incorporation of any other sweetener agent such as sugar syrup, corn syrup, fructose, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, and beet sugar, without being disclosed on the label is adulteration. A maple quality test will ensure your product is not a victim of food adulteration which occurs when the economic value of the maple has been reduced without informing the buyer.

Siratech’s Reliable Maple Quality Test
A maple quality test will quickly reveal if consumers are overspending on the adulterated commodity they believe is pure maple. It has become very convenient for manufacturers to dilute their maple since cane and corn sugar is a cheap commodity used to fill the volume of the maple bottle at a lower price. With a simple and inexpensive maple quality test, consumers can guarantee the authenticity of their product. Additionally, we always test your maple sample twice to provide you with confidence in your maple. Explore our website for more information: Siratech's Testing Services.

Ready to Begin Testing?
Siratech is an ISO-accredited food laboratory with the tools and the process to precisely and rapidly perform a quality test. Siratech 's laboratory is located in the heart of Texas, just south of Austin, and for over 20 years has been our goal to serve consumers as efficiently and easily as possible. Not only do we specialize in the maple quality test, but we also test honey, coconut sugar, and juice! Our diligence and concentration help us deliver the high turnaround needed for the choices you need to make. Many jobs are reported in full within 48 hours of receipt. Are you looking for a maple quality test? Click here to learn about your maple quality test.

Submit your Honey sample for testing with our Honey Test kit.