Dependable Hemp Test

Are you ready to ensure the safety of your cannabis product? Contact Siratech to start your cannabis testing today!

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Hemp is Incredibly Nutritious!
Hemp is exceptionally nutritious and contains high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are known to support immune system function, healthy cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease, reducing symptoms of menopause and PMS, and regulating your metabolism. That is, only if you are consuming or using pure hemp. As the demand grows for hemp products and CBD, so does the risk for adulteration. We specialize in performing a dependable and rapid hemp test that will detect if there are adulterants in your sample.

Reliable Hemp Test
Since the legalization of hemp and cannabidiol ( CBD) in 2018, a variety of products including tinctures, edibles, and other cannabinoid mixtures have also entered the market. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) states that a handful of the distributors that list cannabinoid levels on the packaging of hemp products are mislabeled. You can easily avoid consuming unknown fake ingredients and adulterated hemp products by sending us your sample to perform a hemp test, and by making sure you are purchasing from companies who list the ingredients and are transparent about their hemp process. For more information about our dependable hemp test, click here.

Call Us Today For Your Hemp Test!
Siratech’s accredited laboratory located in the heart of Texas, just south of Austin specializes in stable isotope ratio analysis (SIRA) to perform a hemp test. With our reliable hemp test, Siratech will give you peace of mind and can help distributors in safeguarding the consistency and quality of their hemp products. Our diligence and concentration allow us to deliver the high turnaround needed for the important choices you need to make. Are you ready to test your hemp product for potentially dangerous ingredients and adulteration? Start your hemp test with Siratech today at

Submit your Honey sample for testing with our Honey Test kit.